Are you an elected official who is fed up with the old guard political parties?

Join us and become an important part of moving our nation forward!

Switching to the Libertarian Party is the best way to tell your constituents that you refuse to be a part of the problem!

Whether your party is campaigning for more spending, higher deficits and ever-greater debt…

Or merely talking a good game — promising to halt America’s slide into bankruptcy and to fight for liberty — but doing little or nothing to fulfill those promises…

Joining our ranks lifts you head and shoulders above every other elected official in your area!

As a respected leader in your area, your constituents trust you; they count on you to take a stand for their values… for their freedom… and for their prosperity.

They expect you to oppose schemes from both major parties that can only deprive them of their liberty… rob them of successful futures… and destroy their chances for a secure, comfortable retirement.

They expect you to lead — to break with the establishment parties that, through corruption and political cowardice are destroying the American Dream for all of us.

Think about when you originally sought public office.

You pursued a leadership role to serve your community.  You knew government should play the limited role of ensuring a free society, not be a sledge hammer that crushes the American spirit.

You are reading this because you are one of a growing number of leaders who realize America is on the wrong course.

You are reading this because you share our values; the values the Libertarian Party was created to fight for.  And they are the values that millions of Americans need to see in order to support and vote for any candidate for public office.

All of us here at the Libertarian National Campaign Committee are eager to welcome you into our party.  Contact us today — simply complete the form below and press “Submit.”

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