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America is a libertarian nation

The conventional wisdom has long held the United States are a “center-right” nation. But the results of last weeks elections are challenging that notion. “After 32 straight losses for same-sex wedding laws, four states approved marriage-equality proposals last week. Two other states legalized marijuana for recreational purposes. Wisconsin elected the first openly homosexual U.S. senator […]

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Define your opponent early

This spring the Obama campaign was at a crossroads. They had expected to be flush with cash pumped in by the online fundraising machine that helped Obama shatter fundraising records in 2008. They had expected Mitt Romney to emerge from the Republican primaries irreparably damaged — defined in the minds of voters as an out-of-touch […]

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Denmark drops ‘fat tax,’ while Bloomberg bans food for the homeless

While American nanny-staters are pushing relentlessly to put the government in control of what you eat, Denmark is abolishing such government controls on food. Danish authorities are abolishing a 2011 tax on high-fat foods and canceling a proposed tax on sugar. The move comes after bureaucrats realized the taxes were driving up the cost of […]

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How Obama did it.

No President had ever won re-election with unemployment over eight percent. But Obama coasted to a re-election victory last week. How did he do it? Simple.  As a former community organizer the Obama White House understands voter identification and mobilization like no other. They understand you don’t need a majority of the people behind you […]

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