
9-11 truther, Marxist Van Jones snaps again, attacks Libertarians

Van Jones, the disgraced former Obama administration “green jobs czar” forced to resign after he it was revealed he was a member of several Marxist organizations and had signed a “9/11 Truth” petition, lashed out at Libertarians at a rally Saturday, The Blaze reports.

Jones began his speech by citing his six months of work in the White House before launching into a tirade against the “so-called Libertarians.”

In citing the Libertarian principle of economic liberty, Jones stated “They’ve taken their despicable ideology and used it a wrecking ball, that they have painted red, white and blue, to smash down every good thing in America.”

Jones continued, “They say they’re Patriots but they hate everybody in America who looks like us.  They say they love America but they hate the people, the brown folk, the gays, the lesbians, the people with piercings, ya know ya’ll.”

Once again Jones is bitterly divorced from reality.

Libertarianism is the only political philosophy that rejects the belief in group identity that is the basis for racism, sexism, homophobia and other prejudices.

But, hey, if Van Jones hates you then you must be on the right side of history.

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