
FEC approves text message fundraising model

“An alternate political text-to-donate model, proposed by the mobile firm Revolution Messaging, has met the approval of the Federal Election Commission,” Campaigns & Elections reports.

“The firm submitted an advisory opinion request in August—a few weeks after the FEC first approved text contributions to political committees. Revolution Messaging asked the FEC to permit the use of shared digital short codes and allow contributions in excess of the previously imposed $50-per-month and $200-per-election-cycle limits.

“‘This decision will not only bring this service to political committees faster, but will make it more affordable and open for those using it,’ Revolution Messaging CEO Scott Goodstein said in a statement following the FEC’s decision. ‘It’s a tremendous victory for consumers who will use this technology to support federal PACs of their choosing. Text message fundraising is an innovation we should embrace, but not at the expense of transparency and good policy.’”

Both presidential campaigns are already making use of text message donations, which the FEC cleared the way for last month when it gave wireless carriers discretion over which political committees it could offer text-to donate services.

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