
GOP backs down from Kent. ballot access threat

“Two Republicans have dropped a lawsuit that challenged the candidacy of Pendleton County Libertarian Ken Moellman for state treasurer,” the Cincinnati Enquirer reports.

“The Republican candidate for state treasurer,  KC Crosbie, announced that she encouraged Fayette County GOP chairwoman Carol Rogers and DeAnna Brangers to dismiss their lawsuit that questioned the validity of signatures in the petition Moellman submitted in August to be put on the ballot,” the Enquirer reports.  “Moellman submitted 8,100 signatures to put his name on the November ballot. Moellman has pledged to eliminate the state treasurer office if elected.  Crosbie still questioned the petition’s validity.”

“I’m glad we are now able to focus on the issues and not play around in the courts,” Moellman tells the Enquirer.

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