
Hey candidates. Your voters are casting ballots RIGHT NOW. Where are you?

If you think elections votes are cast on the first Tuesday in November, you’re wrong.

There’s no such thing as Election “Day.”

Thanks to more states opening up early and absentee voting, the use of mail-in ballots in states like Colorado and Oregon and because of our increasingly busy lives, in many elections more than half the votes counted on Election Night are cast in the weeks ahead of Election Day.

That while it’s a good idea not to spend all your money in the early days of a campaign, it means campaigns must hit mailboxes, phones and doors earlier than ever.

If you’re a Libertarian candidate, or running a Libertarian campaign, find out when absentee and early voting begin.

Make sure the voter registration list you purchase has the voter’s history on it.  Most voter registration lists also mark who cast an absentee ballot or voted early in person.  Make sure your campaign has contacted those voters as soon as early voting begins.

[Make sure you spend all of your volunteer's time only mailing, calling or knocking on the door of people who are 1) Registered to vote. 2) Show up to vote and 3) Aren't supporting your opponent(s.)  Don't waste time contacting people who don't show up to vote, knocking on every door, "converting" your opponents or doing voter registration drives.  There's a reason they didn't bother to register to begin with.]

In many places you may contact election officials, who will agree to send you a list of voters who have requested mail-in ballots.  Have someone devoted specifically to knocking on their doors to hand them a flyer or call them on the phone as soon as possible.

There’s no such thing as Election “Day” anymore.  Many, if not most, of the votes cast in your race will already be cast by the time Election “Day” comes.  Make sure you are specifically contacting those voters as soon as voting opens, and BEFORE they cast their early vote.

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