
Let voters ‘show you the door’

With less the four weeks until Election Day, every Libertarian candidate needs to be knocking on the doors of registered, active voters.  When going door to door, remember:

* If you have kids or a dog, bring them with you!  Voters will appreciate seeing a candidate with cute kids or pets.

* Don’t wear sunglasses.  Voters won’t trust someone they can’t make eye contact with.

* Don’t chew gum.

* Dress nicely.  Wear slacks and a dress shirt.  Remember, when you speak with a voter it’s a job interview.

* IT’S NOT ABOUT YOU.  Don’t talk to voters about issues you care about, speak with voters about issues they care about.  Stick to issues voters are concerned with and you agree with them on.

* Answer all questions fully and honestly.

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