
Libertarian election results

Libertarian National Committee staff report the following among the results of yesterday’s election in a handful of states.

[November 9, 9:22 am ET] Libertarian Jerald Robertson won one of two seats on the Elmwood Place Village Council in Ohio. (All three candidates were write-ins.)

[November 9, 9:15 am ET] Libertarian Joe Calfo was elected to the Wellington Exempted Village School Board in Ohio. He received more votes than any other candidate.

[10:12 pm ET] With all precincts reporting, Libertarian Erik Viker was re-elected to the Selinsgrove Borough Council in Pennsylvania. (Viker appeared on the ballot as Democratic/Libertarian.)

[9:30 pm ET] With 62% of precincts reporting, Libertarian Todd Grayson is winning one of four seats on the Perrysburg City Council in Ohio.

[9:18 pm ET] Libertarian Miccah Shepherd won election as Clerk-Treasurer of Claypool, Indiana, running against a Republican and Democrat.

Additionally, I can’t tell you how proud I am of Ed Coleman. He pulled 24% of the vote, with an entire multi-million dollar political establishment and a boatload of dirty tricks opposing him.  Ed is a great guy, a great Councilor and a great Libertarian. I hope he runs again soon. Be sure to thank him too.

At last I saw, Ken Moellman is doing well in is race for Kentucky State Treasurer, polling at five percent in a heated three-way race with two high-profile opponents. The race has already been called for the incumbent, but he ran a great race and his campaign was a great step forward for Libertarians. Be sure you thank him too.

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