
Muncie Free Press: Rupert rocks ice cream competition, energizes Libertarians

“Survivor” star Rupert Boneham will be on the ballot this November as the Libertarian nominee for Indiana governor, but last Sunday it was Rupert doing the voting.

Rupert was a judge in the Henry County 4-H Fair’s ice cream competition.  The Muncie Free Press’ Rick Yencer reports, in part:

Like like on Survivor, Rupert is known for his compassion, integrity and honesty. And on Sunday, he did not leave until everybody got to talk with him, while handing out autographed pictures of the celebrity…

…Rupert talked about personal freedom and understanding the life of average Hoosiers who live from day to day or paycheck to paycheck He is no fan of government or politicians like his opponents, Republican Mike Pence, and Democrat John  Gregg, and their sound bites and empty promises to voters…

…Chris and Natalie Gwinn has Team Rupert tie dyed on and were talking to their friend, later saying about genuine and caring he was about people. Rupert once bought a snake at their pet store and they have been friends ever since.   Rex Bell said Rupert was a great crowd pleaser and Libertarians were glad to see their celebrity make a stop locally. Bell has been a Libertarian candidate before and his wife Susan, is the Libertarian judge in Hagerstown…

…Rupert, who has spent only a few thousand dollars, still takes his campaign directly to the people, finding some believe it’s time for the people to take back their freedom and make government more accountable and responsible.

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