
Poll du Jour: Voters fear another collapse, see no difference between GOP, Dems

• 52 percent of Americas say it’s likely there will be another U.S. financial crisis.

• 45 percent of agree that if a Republican were president right now, the economy “would be the same”; 25 percent say it would be “worse,” 23 percent “better.”

• 44 percent say there would not be “much difference” in their family financial situation if President Obama or a Republican candidate were in office.

Source: A Washington Post/Bloomberg News poll of 1,000 U.S. adults conducted Oct. 6 to 9, reported by The Washington Times‘ Jennifer Harper.

A majority of Americans fear another economic collapse, 44 percent see no difference between the GOP and Democrats and only 23 percent think a Republican would be better than Obama.

But other polls show majorities of voters support Libertarian principles like spending cuts, constitutional governance, ending the bailouts and cutting off corporate welfare.

We are right.

But being right isn’t enough to win.

If we are to take back our country and fix the economy, Libertarians across the board need the support, training and finances to get across the finish line on Election Day.

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Americans support Libertarian ideas.  Now we need to organize and mobilize them so they can support Libertarian candidates.

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