
Poll of the Day

• 38 percent of Americans say the economic situation in the U.S. is “getting worse.”

• 53 percent of Republicans and 11 percent of Democrats agree.

• 38 percent overall say the economic situation is “getting better.”

• 18 percent of Republicans and 68 percent of Democrats agree.

• 22 percent overall say the situation is “staying the same.”

• 8 percent of Republicans and 19 percent of Democrats agree.

Source: A Poll Position survey of 1,242 registered voters conducted Feb. 12, reported by The Washington Times‘ Jennifer Harper.

Shouldn’t these voters know they have an alternative to the failed Republican and Democrat parties?

Libertarians offer The Prosperity Plan:

The “Libertarian Prosperity Plan” seeks to repeal the income tax and abolish the IRS, enact a constitutional amendment requiring a balanced federal budget without tax increases and repeal all corporate welfare programs and bailouts.

“The ‘Libertarian Prosperity Plan’ is rooted in the Libertarian Party platform and bedrock libertarian principles.  Unlike the other parties, we don’t promise tax cuts to just grab enough votes to win and then do nothing.  Elected Libertarians enact tax and spending cuts because it is what we believe in.

The Plan would:

1)    Repeal the income tax: Adopt legislation repealing the income tax and abolishing the Internal Revenue Service.  Until the income tax is repealed, adopt legislation preserving the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts and enacting across-the-board income tax cuts.

2)    Adopt the Balanced Budget Amendment: Adopt a constitutional amendment requiring the federal budget be balanced, and balanced exclusively by cutting expenditures, not by raising taxes.

3)    Abolish corporate welfare and bailouts: Adopt federal legislation prohibiting any federal spending program that provides payments or unique benefits and advantages to specific companies or industries, terminating programs that provide direct grants to businesses, eliminating programs that provide research and other services for industries and ending programs that provide subsidized loans or insurance to businesses.

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