
Root: Obama is ‘The Great Job Killer’

From LNCC Chairman Wayne Allyn Root’s “Root for America Blog“:

Read this commentary and weep. Because I wrote it two years ago, almost to the day. I called Obama “the Great Jobs Killer.” It was published in my column in the Las Vegas Review Journal on July 4, 2010. See:–the-great-jobs-killer-97758294.html

My commentary was quoted in Time magazine, and widely across the Internet. Yet as you read it again (below), look closely at the words. It could have been written today- after 4 consecutive months of disastrous jobs reports. Nothing has changed. Obama was a highly effective jobs killer back in 2010…just as he still is in 2012. Nothing happening to the economy today should come as a surprise. It was all clear on inauguration day 2009, as we installed a radical progressive in the White House who would spend, tax, and overwhelm the system with debt, stimulus, bailouts, and entitlements, bringing our economy to it’s knees. Perhaps someone should have listened.

None of this is a surprise to fiscal conservatives. We predicted it. We called it like Babe Ruth pointing to right field before hitting a home run to that exact spot. Maybe it’s time American voters listened to the people who got it all right.

Here is the column in it’s entirety from July 4, 2010:

Go here to read the full column.

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