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Advice from an elected Libertarian

John Inks, an elected Libertarian on the Mountain View (California) City Council whose 2012 re-election campaign was promoted by the LNCC, offers this advice to Libertarians running for local office: Advice to Libertarians who wish to run for City Council: You may or may not follow my path.  It’s a change of life and a […]

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Define your opponent early

This spring the Obama campaign was at a crossroads. They had expected to be flush with cash pumped in by the online fundraising machine that helped Obama shatter fundraising records in 2008. They had expected Mitt Romney to emerge from the Republican primaries irreparably damaged — defined in the minds of voters as an out-of-touch […]

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How Obama did it.

No President had ever won re-election with unemployment over eight percent. But Obama coasted to a re-election victory last week. How did he do it? Simple.  As a former community organizer the Obama White House understands voter identification and mobilization like no other. They understand you don’t need a majority of the people behind you […]

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Your Election Day checklist

Believe it or not, most campaigns go into Election Day totally unprepared.  Here’s a list of things you need to have taken care of: Email all of your supporters and remind them to vote.  Don’t just assume they know the election is Tuesday, or that they will even remember to vote for you.  Your supporters […]

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