
Va. Libertarian sets new mark with 31.5%, statistically ties GOP across ballot

“On November 8, Virginia elected its legislature. Libertarian Party nominee Mike R. Kane, running in the 41st House seat in Fairfax County in a two-person race, polled 31.5% of the vote,” Richard Winger’s Ballot Access News reports.  ” The incumbent Democrat, Eileen Filler-Corn, won the election.”

That’s significant for two reasons.

First, Kane’s 31.5 percent is a new record high for a Virginia Libertarian nominee for House of Delegates.

It’s also significant because a review by LNCC staff of election results across the 17 precincts of the 41st District finds Kane ran just 1.3 percent behind Spike Williams, a Republican challenging County Chairwoman Sharon Bulova in the very next race on the ballot.  Williams tallied 32.8 percent in the only other race all other voters of the 41st District cast ballots in.  Both Kane and Williams were challenging incumbent Democrat women.

“Libertarian Mike Kane pulled the same amount of support in the 41st District as the only Republican to appear on all ballots.  The Libertarian Party ran as strong as the GOP without nearly the same budget or manpower,” said staff.

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