
You HAVE to knock on doors.

If you don’t have money, you go door to door.

In fact, even if you do have money, you go door to door.  Voters appreciate the personal contact and it allows you to build votes quickly. tells you why:

Why is Door-to-Door So Important?

Door to door campaigning is so effective because it accomplishes four main campaign goals, all with minimal cost:

Name ID

Door to door campaigning builds name recognition for the candidate in a way that literature drops and paid ads cannot.  Personal contact with a voter, even if it is by a volunteer, builds a connection with the candidate that results is positive name identification.


A door-to-door program builds credibility in two ways.  First, on the personal level, it builds credibility in the mind of the voter who is contacted because it shows that the campaign is a living, breathing organization, and that people (the volunteers) really are supporting the candidate. Second, on a larger scale, the program builds credibility by giving the impression that there is a large base of support for the candidate that is involved in a well-organized and formidable effort.


Your door-to-door campaign is more effective than any other method for encouraging people to go to the polls.  While you will want to use telephones for the bulk of your turn out effort because of the time involved, going door-to-door in selected precincts can help turn out larger numbers of voters because of the personal connection it creates.


Finally, door-to-door campaigning can be an useful means of building a volunteer organization by locating interested people, as well as locating donors and precinct captains, etc.

No matter how large your campaign, don’t skimp on your door-to-door efforts, even if your canvas is entirely volunteer driven and run.  Running a door-to-door canvas takes time and hard work, but you’ll be glad you made the effort when you see the results.

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