
C&E: Hitting Your Target with Earned Media

Campaigns & Elections magazine passes along this useful primer on how candidates should deal with and make the most of earned media opportunities (interviews with newspapers, TV, radio, etc.)

You really should click through to read it, but two important things to remember:

“Winning a campaign takes a lot of planning and a little bit of luck, a long-time political consultant once told me…More specifically, luck is the ability to take advantage of earned media opportunities that arise during a campaign. These opportunities could be anything from highlighting a misstep by an opponent to tackling an issue aligned with your candidate, or simply the chance to land a key quote in a news story.”


“A lot of amateur-run campaigns make the mistake of believing that earned media is a suitable alternative to paid voter contact. The truth is that you can win a campaign without being mentioned by the media in your district, but you can’t win if you fail to build a ground and air operation that identifies, persuades and turns out voters.” (Emphasis added)

You can win, especially locally, without media coverage, but taking advantage of media opportunities could make it easier.  Click here to read the article.

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