
Florida Libertarians volunteer to clean up veteran’s home

Florida entrepreneur, former candidate and Libertarian Karl Dickey reports:

Sunday morning members of the Libertarian Party of Palm Beach County ( ) along with other groups converged on a disabled Veteran’s home in downtown Lake Worth to assist in cleaning up his yard which had fallen in disrepair due to his health complications.

About 20 people in all came with rakes, shovels, weedeaters and other tools to help improve the yard of a cute cottage home. It was clear the grounds were once beautiful, however had become overgrown and had gone uncared for.

After two hours of labor-intensive work and many cuts & bruises, the yard was once again in pristine condition needing only a few bags of mulch to complete a now picture-perfect Lake Worth home.


“We believe in volunteerism, not force. I should not be forced to be here helping out this veteran with either my labor or my money, however, like all 20 people here, there are more than enough volunteers to get the job done without the need for government’s intervention.”

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