
‘Survivor’ star eyes Libertarian gubernatorial bid

Popular “Survivor” star Rupert Boneham has formed an exploratory committee to seek the Libertarian Party’s nomination for Indiana governor, The Los Angeles Times reports.

Boneham made the announcement at a downtown Indianapolis press conference.

“An eventual run in 2012 will depend, he said, on whether enough Hoosiers express support for the idea in coming weeks and months. His website is www.rupertfor,” the Indianapolis Star reports.

“The bushy-bearded Boneham, known for wearing tie-dyed shirts, competed in 2003 on ‘Survivor: Pearl Island’ and has been on multiple ‘Survivor, follow-ups,” the Times reports.

“He was voted fan favorite in 2004′s ‘Survivor: All-Stars’ and donated a portion of the $1 million he won to his charity, Rupert’s Kids, which provides mentoring and job-training to youths.”

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